EGCO Group's Power Plants Gangdong Gangdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea CDI-KCE the industrial estate in Cilegon, Indonesia CDI-KPE the industrial estate in Cilegon, Indonesia Dighton (Compass Portfolio) the state of Massachusetts, USA Marcus Hook (Compass Portfolio) the state of Pennsylvania, USA Milford (Compass Portfolio) the state of Massachusetts, USA Linden Cogen New Jersey, the United States RISEC Johnston, Rhode Island, USA Paju Gyeonggi Province, South Korea Quezon (QPL) Quezon, Philippines San Buenaventura (SBPL) Quezon, Philippines Nam Theun 2 (NTPC) Lao PDR Xayaburi (XPCL) Xayaburi Province, Lao PDR Nam Theun 1 (NT1PC) Bolikhamxay Province, Lao PDR Boco Rock Wind Farm (BRWF) New South Wales, Australia Yunlin Taiwan Strait approximately 8 km west of the coast of Yunlin County in Taiwan - No Data -