Management Guideline

Management Guideline

EGCO Group’s vision is to be a major Thai energy company operating sustainable business with full commitment to environment protection and social development support, or in other words, operation with a strong and steady growth and acceptance and trust from stakeholders and the public based on good corporate governance and accountability to stakeholders. A sustainable business operation policy set by Board of Directors have been clearly established in writing and publicized to the public.

Sustainable Business Operation Policy

1.    Be committed to excellent operations, covering economic, environmental, community, and social dimensions.
2.    Reduce negative impacts and increase positive impacts on stakeholders, environment, community, and society, as well as business process of the organization. 
3.    Promote development of business and social innovations to enhance efficiency and effectiveness, together with value added to the               
       organization and stakeholders.
4.    Promote sustainable development of business counterparts involving ethical business operation with transparency and without fraud or
       corruption, respect for human rights, caring for safety and occupational health, and environmental management.

Sustainability Management Structure

EGCO Group Sustainability Management Structure has been developed to oversee that business operations comply with the established guidelines and policies to ensure EGCO Group’s operational efficiency. The structure as shown below;

EGCO Group’s Sustainability Framework

Materiality Assessment

EGCO Group has assess our materiality topics in focusing on both internal issues and external issues. We also analyze both positive and negative impacts of the organization on the stakeholders, community, and society throughout the business process. The materiality topics have been considered of all stakeholder expectations, covering economic, social, and environmental dimensions.