Environmental Management

Environmental Management

              EGCO Group is committed to operating business with consideration to the environment through a thorough management of the company’s environmental aspects to, such as air pollution management, water management, and waste management. This reduces negative impacts in our value chain. EGCO Group is recognizes of the differences in the environment, society, as well as environmental laws and regulations between countries. We have therefore set different developmental goals for each country to ensure harmony with local communities, and strict compliance to environmental laws and regulations of respective countries.


Management Approach

Environmental Policy

         EGCO Group has established an environmental policy and Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) Manual as a framework for our subsidiaries, associates, suppliers, and stakeholders. 

Goal in increasing renewable capacity and smart energy solution at least

Environmental Management Working Group

         EGCO Group has established an Environmental Management Working Group to ensure that the company’s environmental management will be systematic, continuous and achieved the company’s goal. The Working Group is responsible for developing the Environmental Policy and Environmental Management Guideline. The working group also setting up the environmental management target, monitoring and verification the environmental performance of EGCO Group. Furthermore, the Working Group also encourage the cooperation and coordinate among the subsidiaries for environmental issues.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

         EGCO Group conducts an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of all potential sites to assess and manage possible environmental impacts effectively when the new project begins. Every conventional power plants are obligated to report the EIA monitoring twice a year. 

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Air Emission Quality

            EGCO Group manages air quality, both in power plants and the surrounding areas, which may be potentially affected by our operations. We constantly look for ways to improve our air quality control system and operational efficiency, as well as developing an effective assessment plan. EGCO Group selects and implements new technologies alongside regular maintenance of current machineries and related equipment. 
            EGCO Group has established standard criteria for power plants’ emission and defined it as one of our power plants’ KPIs. We aim to keep the air quality higher than the EIA and environmental law’s standard. Moreover, the air emission quality is inspected every six months by a certified external auditor. These are the measures we take to ensure our operations result in minimal negative impact, as much as possible.


Waste Management

            EGCO Group manages waste with the 3Rs principles, namely Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, to reduce the amount of hazardous and non-hazardous waste generated by our operations. Our power plants are operated with a complete waste management system from sorting to disposal as we aim to reduce the impacts on the environment and the society.
            For ash management, Quezon power plant collaborates with Pozzolanic Philippines, Inc. (PPI) to transport fly ash generated and recycle it into raw material for cement or base fill for roads. Quezon initiated a collaborative projects with the Department of Public Works & Highways (DPWH) in 2018 to use bottom ash in road concreting.


Water Management

             EGCO Group’s strategy is based on the 3Rs, namely Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to optimize water management efficiency and reduce consumption within the company. For example, we use wastewater for plant watering, road cleaning, dust controlling, and decreasing exhaust pipe temperature through sprayed wastewater. Wastewater from our operations are closely monitored to ensure it is up to local standards before it is discharged.
             In search for measures to reduce impacts and mitigate risks from water scarcity in the future, EGCO Group uses short-term and long-term water risks assessments. The assessment helps the company for risk management planning, such as building water reservoirs to maintain sufficient water supply for our power plants during drought season.   It ensures there will be no disruptions to the operations and avoiding conflicts of water resources in the vicinity between industrial sector and agricultural sector.
              EGCO Group not only manage internal water management, but the external management as well. We work with local communities to understand and manage water related issues, such as supporting sustainable conservation and rehabilitation of the upstream forests. We also actively  participate in meetings involving representatives from power plants, public sector, private sectors, and the communities twice a year. At such meetings, we report the power plants’ environmental performance and acknowledge stakeholders’ suggestions.

Climate Change

          EGCO Group is aware of the significance of climate change. Hence, the company is determined to operate with responsibility to the environment through reduction of GHG emission.
In cognizant of the importance of climate change management, EGCO Group has stipulated Climate Change Management Guideline. The issue falls under the responsibility of the Corporate Sustainability Steering Committee. There is Environmental Management Working Group comprises executives from every power plant, tasked with monitoring and reporting management progress to the Corporate Sustainability Steering Committee.
EGCO Group also identified the Group’s Strategic Positioning Options; conducted Scenario Analysis to identify and assess potential business impacts from climate change risks and laid out a corporate strategy in climate change management. 


We have stipulated measures, such as to optimize the power generation performance and reduce fuel consumption, to use renewable energy, to mitigate environmental impacts from our operations, and raise awareness regarding the importance of environmental issues among employees, suppliers, and other relevant parties.

Operational Eco-Efficiency

              EGCO Group always drives our ability to generate electricity ensuring reliable power supply for Thailand, as well as facilitating transition for clean energy and other renewable fuel sources in our operations. By improving our energy management through reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and internal power consumption throughout our managerial and operational levels.


Excellence Generation 

              EGCO Group focuses on improving the power production capability excellent through innovations to enhance production efficiency with environmental friendly technologies. We embrace new technologies to reduce fuel consumption in order to decrease social and environmental impacts in power plants communities. We regularly inspect and maintain a machine’s efficiency. 

Reliability & Availability 

             EGCO Group set the target for availability beyond the amount indicated in our Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). The availability factor is one of the power plants’ Key Performance Indicators (KPI) used in performance evaluation for those who work at power plants. 

Energy Management

            EGCO Group aims to improve the efficiency of the company’s overall energy management as well. Energy conservation policy has been developed as a framework for energy management which is part of the solution to decrease our GHG emissions. Moreover, EGCO Group has appointed an energy committee to review, develop, and monitor the company’s performance on energy management every month.