EGCO Corporate Governance EN

10 Good Corporate Governance Principles and Code of Business Ethics (Edition 2022) Public-sector Employee means a current or former officer or consultant of state enterprises or government agencies who has a regular wage and position. Besides the employees, i t also convers a di rector and subcommi t tee’s member of government agencies or state enterprises. An Agent or Business Intermediary means the entity, organization, or individual appointed or hired to undertake tasks for the benefit of the Company. Business Partner means joint ventures, shareholders, suppl iers, customers and other business-related parties. Support means contributions in cash and in kind to a client, supplier, partner or others for business purposes, promotion of the Company or business relationships. Political Support means assistance given to political parties, networks, influencers, or candidates in a form of money or others, such as lending or donating equipment, providing free technological Gift means money or other forms for contribution given on occasions to foster goodwill or establish positive relationships, including business opportunities. Gifts may also be given to commemorate significant corporate events. Entertaining Arrangement means act ivi t ies or expense for accommodat ion, transportat ion, meals, beverage and other services in relation to business engagement, trips, site visits, etc. services, promoting advertisements or campaigns or encouraging the Personnel to participate in an activity of a political party on behalf of the Company for an undeserved business advantage or for the Company’s or personal benefits.